Resolve reinstalling setup after manual removal of MAMP & MAMP PRO
If you have at one time or another mistakenly deleted a MAMP or MAMP PRO directory or uninstalled a MAMP & MAMP PRO incorrectly, you are now left with entries in the Add/Remove Programs list for programs that no longer exist on physical drives.
In this manual we will cover a method on removing entries for programs that no longer exist on your computer. This method does require editing the registry, which if done improperly, can cause problems with your computer. If this is something that you do not feel comfortable doing, then please do not continue with the steps listed here.
Removing MAMP&MAMP PRO entries in the Registry Uninstall Programs List
Please note that this method should only be used if you can not uninstall the program normally through the Add/Remove Programs window applet. You should always attempt to delete the program through a supplied uninstall application or by using the Add/Remove Programs applet.
You may manually remove entries from your Add/Remove programs list by following these steps:
1. Click Start, then click on Run and type regedit in the Open field. Then press enter on your keyboard.
2. Navigate to the Registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall. You do this by clicking on the plus sign next to each key in the path to expand the path below it. For example you will click on the plus next to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Software, Wow6432Node, Microsoft, Windows, CurrentVersion, and finally Uninstall.
3. Find key {A62E77D4-9B74-4CA0-A254-EFE711F7A298}_is1 in list. Right click on the the Uninstall key and select the Export option. This will open up a dialog box where you can select a directory and name for the file you will export to. Make the Save in: field set to your Desktop and in the File name: field enter uninstall_programs1 and press the Save button. This will create a backup of your Uninstall registry key on your desktop in case of a problem.
4. Right click again on the same key {A62E77D4-9B74-4CA0-A254-EFE711F7A298}_is1 and then click on the Delete key. When it asks for confirmation, click on the Yes key.
5. Find key {B35986B9-1715-4109-A4E4-3892C0CB3DF4}_is1 in list. Right click on the the Uninstall key and select the Export option. This will open up a dialog box where you can select a directory and name for the file you will export to. Make the Save in: field set to your Desktop and in the File name: field enter uninstall_programs2 and press the Save button. This will create a backup of your Uninstall registry key on your desktop in case of a problem.
6. Right click again on the same key {B35986B9-1715-4109-A4E4-3892C0CB3DF4}_is1 and then click on the Delete key. When it asks for confirmation, click on the Yes key.
7. Once the keys are deleted, exit regedit, go back into your Add/Remove Programs option (refresh list also) in the Control Panel and see if the program is now gone from the listing. If it is not listed, then you have deleted the entry from the Registry correctly. If on the other hand, the listing looks incorrect you can restore the backup you created by double-clicking on the uninstall_programs1.reg and uninstall_programs2.reg icons found in your desktop. When it prompts you if you would like to merge the contents, you would reply Yes.