My MAMP PRO installer did not work?

You may have received an erroneous error stating DNS was running. If this is the case, then check the following, which may be other causes for the installer not completing. There are several reasons why MAMP PRO cannot install properly. The following are the primary reasons for a failed installation.

A previously launched instance of Apache from MAMP PRO is still running. To check if there is such an instance do the following.

  • Open the activity monitor
  • Type "httpd" into the search field on the right top
  • Quit every process you find after your search.
  • Install MAMP PRO

A previously launched instance of MySQL from MAMP PRO is still running. To check if there is such an instance do the following.

  • Open the activity monitor
  • Type "mysqld" into the search field on the right top
  • Quit every process you find after your search.
  • Install MAMP PRO

DynDNS from the previous MAMP PRO installation is still running. To remove this, open up you current MAMP PRO installation, uncheck DynDNS, start and stop your servers.

You can also restart your Mac and hold down the shift key at startup. This will kill all non Apple services starting at startup.